Searching for a knowledge
hub for SMEs in the Travel &
Tourism Sector?
Look no further!

What to Expect From Together in Travel

PRIDE to work within Travel & Tourism which accounts for 10% of the world’s GDP. An industry that represents 1 in every 10 dollars generated on this planet.

INSPIRATION to drive sustainable growth and success in an industry outpacing the growth of the global economy.

PRACTICAL TOOLS to empower you to upskill and keep pace with industry trends in Travel & Tourism.

About Us

“SMEs form the backbone of the sector and their role in driving growth and innovation is undeniable.” - Julia Simpson, WTTC President & CEO

Ambition: To be the voice of the Travel & Tourism private sector

Together in Travel is specifically aimed at small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which make up around 80% of the global travel community and aims to provide tools and content to both accelerate their business growth and ensure their voices are heard globally.

This dynamic and free-to-subscribe community focusses on empowering SME businesses by facilitating meaningful connections, providing valuable insights, and offering tailored learning programs to help them thrive in a competitive market. Premium subscription options to be launched in later phases.

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